Friday, March 23, 2007

The Ultimate Diet For Diabetics

The most popular diet for diabetics has made its way into theweight loss arena and is proving to be quite successful. Foryears, the Low Glycemic Index Diet has been used as a tool tohelp diabetics manage their blood glucose levels. Once it wasdiscovered that this diet for diabetics could also aid inweight loss it became popular with a host of individuals.One of the reasons that this diet for diabetics works so wellis the strong correlation between improper weight managementand the presence of diabetes. While not everyone who suffersfrom diabetes developed the disease due to weight problems alarge majority have been discovered to have developed diabetesas aresult of obesity. This is because certain foods tend to raisethe blood sugar levels in the body higher and faster than otherfoods. When that happens the body has a built in check system toreturn the blood glucose levels to their normal state.In order to do this the pancreas must release insulin whichtransports excess blood sugar or blood glucose into storage.Everything is find as long as we work off or use of thosestores of blood sugar and this is not required too often.Problems arise; however, when we do not burn off the storedblood sugar and we force our pancreas to overwork by consumingtoo many foods that cause our blood sugar to skyrocket.When the body is not able to burn off the stores of blood sugarit turns to fat and that results in being overweight. That isnot the end of the problem; however. When we frequentlymaintain a diet that is high in foods that raise our bloodsugar, over time, the pancreas becomes overworked and may shutdown. This is when diabetes steps into the picture. Oftendiabetes and obesity go hand in hand.The low GI diet was developed as a way to aid diabetics inselecting foods which would not raise their blood sugar levelstoo high after consuming them. It was hoped that this wouldremove the drain on the pancreas. This diet for diabetics wasfound to be quite successful in this regard and was alsodetermined to have the added benefit of helping individuals whofollowed it lose weight.The basis of the diet is the glycemic index, which rankscarbohydrates according to how quickly the body is able todigest them. Foods which can be easily digested by the bodyrank higher on the index and tend to raise the bodys bloodglucose levels higher than other foods. According to the diet,these foods should be consumed sparingly. Other foods are notbroken down the body so easily and therefore do not have asmuch of an effect on the bodys blood sugar levels. Some foodseven have no effect at all and can be eaten without fear of anyrestrictions.High processed and refined foods tend to rank high on theglycemic index most frequently. Individuals following the dietfor diabetics are encouraged to avoid or minimize their intakeof these foods.It should be understood that unlike many other diets that maysound similar in nature, the diet for diabetics does notrequire total exclusion of carbohydrates. Some carbs areactually good and can be eaten. Ideally, adults are recommendedto stick with a diet that includes at least 130 grams of carbsper day to provide fuel for the body. This, of course, assumesthat you are maintaining an otherwise healthy and activelifestyle. If, for some, reason you are unable to be active,you may need a lower daily intake of carbs.About The Author: Discover the ultimate diet for diabetics:-the low glycemic index diet. Wesley Atkins is the owner of that reveals how you canquickly and easily treat the symptoms of diabetes.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Flax Seed: Weight Watching With Omega-3

Omega-3 Benefits Omega 3 benefits are wide-ranging and proven by clinicalstudies. Understanding the best omega 3 sources means you caninclude more of these healthy foods in your daily mealplanning. From heart health to depression treatment topregnancy health, omega 3 benefits are too good to ignore ifyou are interested in health. Take Flax Seed Oil as it containsa balanced ration between Omega-3 and Omega-6. What Are Omega-3 Fatty Acids? Omega-3 fatty acids are long-chained, polyunsaturated fattyacids. Fatty acids are the building blocks of triglycerides andother lipids. They are usually composed of a long chain ofunbranched carbon atoms with a carboxyl group at one end. Mostfatty acids contain between 4 and 24 carbon atoms in thebackbone. Many research has proven that Flax Seed oil containshigh concentration of Omega-3 which is essential to our health.Omega-3 From Flax Seed Oil Sadly, though, eating most fresh fish, whether from the ocean,lakes and streams, or farm-raised, is no longer recommended.Mercury levels in almost all fish have now hit dangerously highlevels across the world, and the risk of this mercury to yourhealth now outweighs the fish's omega-3 benefits. However,because fish would otherwise be immensely healthy, I had beensearching for a safe source of fish for some time -- andfinally discovered one. One great source of Omega-3 oil whichis pure and uncontaminated is from Flax Seed oil where Flaxseed oil contains both Omega-3 and Omega-6. Omega-3 and Omega-6 Supplements Supplementation with omega-3 (EPA and DHA), as given inaddition to statin therapy in patients with combinedhyperlipidemia,23 was found to reduce levels of atherogeniclipoproteins while more effectively reducing the hemostaticrisk profile. The antiarrhythmic potential of EPA and DHA (upon accumulationin cardiac tissue) has been considered to be yet anotherimportant mechanism24 by which consumption of these fatty acidscan reduce mortality related to cardiovascular disease(particularly sudden cardiac death). This last effect isconsidered to be exhibited at even lower intakes of omega-3(EPA and DHA combined) of about 1 g/day.4 Omega-3 and Weight Watchesr The long chain omega-3 polyunsaturates can aid weight loss byenabling each of the body's cells to function in the optimalmanner. Accumulation of fat is the body's response to a surplusof energy over needs. When the reverse occurs, as in a weightloss diet, the stored energy (fat) should be liberated andburned. However, some people appear to have a problem with thismechanism, and it has been suggested that a part of the reasonfor this is that the membranes which surround each of thebody's cells are not functioning in the way they should becausetheir composition is out of balance. Taking flax seed oil isessential as flax seed oil is free from pollutants and hasgreat concentration of Omega-3. Evidence recently published showed that weight loss was greateron a calorie-restricted diet when a small amount of fish oil wasadded to the diet, compared to the same diet when olive oil wasadded instead of the fish oil. Do check our your nearestpharmacy for flax seed oil today. With all the proven benefits of Flax Seed in our Diet, we dourge you to find out more about how flax seed can benefit yourhealth today!About The Author: is essentialfor the function and structure of the brain and improvecognition, memory, moods and concentration. Do find out moreabout today!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Lose Weight And Get In Shape

Are you tired of being overweight? Tired of breathing heavy,not being able to participate in events because of your weight?Then you have a weight problem. This is nothing to be ashamedof, it is a problem that a lot of Americans have. Are youdoomed for life? No! You can get in shape, and with the help ofthe following dieting and exercising tips you can feel better,live longer, and wear your clothes with pride. Before you being your journey to the land of fitness you needto know that there is no such thing as a miracle pill that willmake you lose weight while you sleep without doing any form ofexercise or healthy eating. The only way you are going to lose weight is cutting out allunnecessary foods and a rigorous exercise program. If you cancope with that, read on! The first thing you want to do is to weigh yourself, take apicture of you naked in front of the mirror, and write downyour waist size. When you are all done you can use all of theabove as a comparison. Next step is to evaluate your eating schedule. Do you eatbreakfast, lunch and supper? Do you eat all of them and more?Do you eat non-stop? What you want to do is limit yourself toeating a decent size breakfast, this will give you more energyfor your body to burn throughout the day. After breakfast youwant to eat a small lunch, nothing huge, just a sandwich or acouple pieces of fruit. For supper you do not want to pack itall in. Your body burns calories while you sleep, if you do noteat a lot before bed, your will lose weight while you sleep. Ifyou pack it in before bed you will not lose anything, but gainweight. Make sure you eat your dinner at least two hours before bed,this ensures your body to properly digest the food so that whenyou go into fat burning mode you will efficient. Cut out all unnecessary foods that you currently consume, thisincludes chips, soda and sweets. If you are hungry for a snackeat some fruit or vegetables. Make sure you drink at least one gallon of water a day, themore water you faster your body's metabolism will burn that fatoff. Exercise is very important, I recommend walking 3-5 times aweeks. If you can follow the above, you will lose weight. Stopprocrastinating and start losing weight today!About The Author: For more great resources:

Thursday, March 1, 2007


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